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Here is some old news so the main page can load alittle faster!

WOW 10 months since the last update...lol there is good reason for that, let me tell u. Well first off TFD is Dead To The World as Nightwish would put it. We split and went our separate ways for a few months, consumed with school, jobs, side projects, drama (the usual) and just no motivation or dedication to do anything. Bill split off and joined Velure the now (and then for that matter) non existing Brit Rockish side project with Kyle Grant, R. Millhouse and Mr. Fern. Kristin was playing guitar for Missing Innocence for a few months. Adam left for college in Ohio. Brian just hung around and started going to ITT. And Tony was just bouncing around from job to job to job, as well as getting his cell phone surgically implanted to his ear…anyway, I do not expect anyone to ever see this update, for the matter being TFD doesn’t exist anymore, and its been 10 months since anyone has been to the site. But what not too many people know is…we have reformed, reorganized, restructured the sound, changed the name twice and added a few people, as well as PAT ROMANELLI’s triumphant return from the army to join us back on stage. Here is the new Lineup:

Anthony Dorsey------- Cellular Devices Screams And Stories

Patrick Romanelli-----Rusty Hook Apparatus

William Harbadin------BirdPans and Asshooks

Kristin Wagner---------Low End Vibrators

Sparky--------------------Plastic Clown Plates, Green Things, and Classical Applications

Brian Dougherty-------Ivory Buttons, Computers, and Tantrums


We are currently locked inside the NEW “Rehearsal Hole” composing new compositions and preparing to embark on the EMERGENZA FESTIVAL. We will be playing a show on Feb 19 @ the 31st Street Pub. In the strip district. More shows soon to come, that is once we get some songs written. Look for the new website, up SOMETIME this month.

(F)ountain (I)nfinity


To Anyone Who Cares:

I once read an article in Guitar World magazine about a band that was being considered for a major label recording contract. The only catch was that they had to get rid of the lead singer, who didnt fit the "image" of the band. The band however was so close to each other and respected one another so much that they refused the offer. That is the essence of a band.

On the night of February 8, 2004, it was brought to my attention that fellow band mates of mine were suggesting that I should no longer be a member of the band known as TFD because I was no longer readily available due to college. Also, I was told that a small Indie label could possibly be interested in the band, and that there could be conflicts if all band members were not present at meetings and such. While thinking over the situation, I decided that it was not fair to the other members who have worked hard to get the band of the ground in the first place, long before I joined. Individual guitarists dont matter as much as the bands do anyway. (AC/DC would be AC/DC if Angus Young wasnt in it, Pantera would have been Pantera if Dimebag Darrel wasnt in it, and Nirvana is Nirvana without Kurt Cobain, right?)Therefore, I have decided to resign from the band Ten Foot Dinghy as of February 9, 2004. As a final word, I would like to say for those about to rock, I salute you, and for those posers in it for the money and possible fame, fuck off. . .

Adam King

Former TFD Guitarist

To all...
To all of our fans who have supported us over the years, we thank you for your time and dedication. To the select few who came out to all of our shows we have ever had, a very special thanks goes out to you. In 20 days the webpage will turn two years old. In its two year run we have encountered over 10,000 hits to the page, plenty of lame ass posts on our boards as well as many good ones. But as in all good things, we must say goodbye to the website. It will remain up as an archive, but at the moment a new one is being created, and the band will press on. On Friday for the first time in 3 months the band is having a full blown practice, guns blazin and evrything. Expect brand new matereal from us in the upcomming months, as well as starting up with shows come early spring. If you have been a loyal fan of TFD then you will be emailed the link for the band. For evryone else who only comes to the site to bitch and moan cause you have noting better to do than leave garbage on the message board, u will have to figure out the link on your own. till then we will be secluded in the rehearsal hole for the next two months. To all of the fans well see you out there, evryone else, Game Over You SucK!
      ~"The band FORMALLY known as Ten (Foot) Dinghy"~
first rehearsal entry from bill...
WOW never felt so good to sit in a 20 below zero garage and jam with the band. well it was our first time back togeather since oct 11. practice went extremely well today, ht e feel in the room was unlike any other practice in a long time! 1 [one] new song has been written and it is very old school sounding, it sounds more like songs from the (F)uhtwack era when Pat R. was in the band, so for people who like the older heavier stuff like "fire in your eyes", (expect new version of that) then u will like this new stuff we made today. Bill, Kristin and Brian sat in the garage today, and pretty much wrote a very down tempoed, heavy melodic progressive. unlike anything we have ever done before. maybe this is because Kristin wrote it ,and it actually contains some pretty sweet bass riffs, well done bass chik. sorta TOOL/OSI/COVENANT, and maybe a hint of chivelle (sp) in there as well. very slow begining (with the help of a cooking pot) and the it takes off midway through. expect new pictures from the photo shoot today to be up on here this week. photo shoot took place at the greatest place on earth, the mystical portal! lol http://mysticalportal.tripod.com. well were out for now, i feel great, and we are back, news of the DJ/KEY player comming soon, stay posted
"moments dissappear like shade, like snow"
hey bill here.
ok, lots of stuff going on right now, first off to all the retards who hate us and that are spreading rumors about us breaking up, well hate to dissapoint u all but, WERE NOT!. after the battle of the bands evryone went back to school/ college, and now pretty much evryone is around again so now we will go back and practice. in other news, we actually have a KEYBOARD player in the works. nothing definite as of yet, but more than likely be prepared to see another member up on stage with us this summer. a new website and a new band name are also in the works, so look for that. lots of stuff going on right now so expect big changes in the upcomming months. until now heres a new picture of bill to get u through
Happy New Year
Bill and Brian in the studio here "AKA messy room" um... lol ah in the well this no hu stay posted because we plan a comeback sssssince hm since every bodies in school we plan to get everyone back to gether this week expect to see us having shows throughout spring and all of summer. until then heres a new picture. goodbye. hit done. hu argg flmeard     .... translated by Brian
Happy Day...
This is Doc and im in school.... im just updating the page because i hear rumors. This includes the comeback of TFD and the addition of a turn-tabler? the are also rumors of bringing back Spoon-Spa-Toon and Fire in your eyes! but stay tuned for more info..
greetings from Tennessee...
this is bill here on vacation from the garbage in Pittsburgh. well after the battle of the bands on oct 11. we took a break. a long break and are still on break. the battle was not worth it. first off concerts first are nothing but a bunch of people hungry for money and dont know how to do anything. and heres the story. ok.. first off we organized the battle between 2 states. adam just recently moving to ohio.we struggled selling tickets. and over all we did not get the promised playing time that we were intitled to. we played 3 songs and then were cut off.the sound was crap, and the people who played before us went over their time limit so it cut into our playing time we played for like 9 mins instead of the 20 we were suposed to get. i tried for 4 weeks after the battle to get hold of those retards who run concers first. and i kept getting oh well call u back well get back to u, oh the director isnt in right now... plus a bunch of other excuses, they just dont wanna face that they riped people off had them get money for them and then didnt give what they promised. so to all the bands out there. dont ever bother with that company, cause its not worth it. as for us right now we dont have any show planed. after i get back from tennessee. were gonna find out what we want to do from here. to all the people who care.. stay tuned...
Sept 04, 2003
Aug 28, 2003
To All...
after a two year run TFD is officially on hold, not broken up like someone in this years 5th Per gym class thinks. (yea u know who u are, still starting shit) anyway due to college circumstances ccac circumstances audio engeneering circumstances and work schedules as well as a lack of interest, we have decided to get settled with these events and then decide what will happen .wether it is a lineup change, a briak up, a split in the band, or the formation of a new one from the ashes of tfd, whatever the case we will keep you posted. also the lack of people at shows is another major thing and its really not worth it to perform until we get better shows. so for now check back evry once in a while for new info. sorry to all who care, which isnt alot...
September 25 2003
Attention all Ten Foot Fanatics!
The performance on October 11, 2003 at Metropol in downtown Pittsburgh is still on! Tickets are on sale for $12 (see Kristen for details). Be sure to come out and support your local alternative metal band! More news to come. Till we meet again. . .ROCK ON!
Aug 08, 2003
thank you to all the people who came out to support us at the show last saturday, the response seemed to be better than most of our other shows, and we actually had people come chat with us after the show. we even had invites to play other shows and  come back.
we will be performing at the YADCO SUMMER JAM this upcoming sunday 8/10/03 we play at 11 AM so wake up and be there! merch is on the way, and look for a few more shows this summer. after AUG we will probably take it slow and take it little by little, cause of college starthing and evrything, after we have a plan as to what is gonna happen after aug, we will tell you..as for now enjoy the next few weeks and come to our shows.
Aug 02, 2003
Tonight at St. Pius social hall, in McKesport PA. show starts at 7:00
hope to see evryone there
its good to be back
 July 07, 2003
to the people who give a crap about us, we are gonna rehearse for most of the month of July, and then return end of the month with a handfull of new songs. today bill spent about 7 hours looking for new places to play and promotions. you can check out us and a quick little bio on gigamerica.com. check out the links section for the link. as foir now we will return shortly.
July 1, 2003
Well last week we had a good couple of shows, one at The East McKeesport Senior Center for Derrick Teoli, and Derrick Lyons going away to the navy party, and the other at Amanda Blaskos graduation party, both performances featured guest bassist Adam Miller. In addition to the two performances, TFD will be taking most of the month of July off and hide away for a bit, while we prepare to record the demo, and write new songs, new dates will follow, shortly. In the meantime, old demo tracks will be remastered this week, so that bill will have something to take to the Mercury show on Saturday, in hopes to make friends with the band and hook up for some shows. The AMC days are OVER!!!!!!  We will see u all out there soon, until the end of July, TFD signing off!
Oh yea the Appliances are comming...comming for you...
June 24, 2003
And the bass problems never end...
well since kristin is on vacation, TFD has called upon ex bassest Adam Miller to fill in the empty gap. he will be performing with the band for the show on the 28th and the newly added show on the the 27th @ the East McKeesport Seinor Center. the show starts @ 6 PM, be there. old favorites might even be played for the hell of it, u might even hear "spoon spa-toon" who knows. come join us and Rock out, not Punk Out, WE SAID ROCK OUT!!!!!
June 22, 2003
well yet AGAIN another powerful performance by us, and yet AGAIN a pathetic crowd, well what the hell should we expect, its AMC. never again will we play there unless its a battle or something we can compete in. we sold 10 tickets and we are suposed to get 1$ a ticket, and what did we get we got 5$ umm if u went to school u could determine that we should of got 10$. cheep asses! the show @ Angels on July 25 has been canceled, because we got a better gig offer, so were screwing the Angels gig. the new gig will be at St.Pies church in McKeesport, we will have more info. expect a night of fun if you decide to come to the show , because we will be playing for 2 and 1/2 hours, an hour of origionals, and hour of covers and a half an hour break. all other shows comming up will be in Pittsburgh, were through with places like AMC and Angels, maby an appearence there once in a while to keep the dates comming will be ok, but for now, were going into hiding for the next month to prepare for the recording studio and the big gig at the end of july and hopefully the summer jam at yadco music. and as far as the asshole who wrote that in the guestbook, im pretty sure i know who u are due to a i p address and a time card from 2 message boards about a few mins prior to ur post on our GB, ur initals might be DH...humm well it dont matter cause ur reported, anyway enough about the fat dead waste that wastes their time posting nonsence on our boards cause they have nothing better to do, keep checking back for new dates. Some hellos to our new friends with the band ILL-LAMENT from Freeport, finally another band that isn't damn punk and doesnt blow! . as for now we are in the rehearsal hole for the next 4 weeks...we shall return...
June 18, 2003
well the old songs that we know of that wernt blink 182 songs are now being reformed into new songs. the setlist now contains 10 songs as before where we had like 4 we played at every show. we are also going into recording rehearsals, to prepare for our recording session that will possibly hapen soon, so look for the cd at shows, starting hopefully in AUG. the punk shows at AMC are pretty much extinct for us as we are moving on to bigger better CLEANER and more professional venues, we will play with bands that play music not punk garbage were sick of it...
June 16, 2003
Well to the ONE person who signed our mailing list all night, for the 5 hours we were @ Angels on Saturday, we thank u greatly for showing some kind of interest in this band. over all show musically went pretty good,except for a few kinks that can worked out. but yet another disapointing show people wise, there was like 20 people there who sat in the back the entire time, and talked to the other bands, and like 4 people who actually stood in front and watched us, not much applause, and almost no feedback. so what can we do about this? these tiny punk club shows, at places like AMC and angels are fun to do every once in a while, but after the show @ AMC on Friday, we are hitting downtown where the real Pittsburgh music scene is, and more than likely people will except us for who we are and the music we play. as for now we have been around for almost 2 years and we have only a few people who come to see us, thats about to change.....
June 12, 2003
TFD spent most of their Wed. afternoon cooped up in Brian's bedroom again with no ventilation working their asses off, in preparation for Sat. night's show @ Club Angels. 3 new songs came out of it and will be displayed at the show. none of them have names, and I'm sure we will never get around to doing it either lol. one of which is a slower song, and two of them have extreme energy. They might be considered as metal, depending how well we display them. in equipment news bill found out his old drumset is worth a few thousand dollars because it's a collectible and so is the bass pedal that he is currently using. so, hes off to guitar center tomorrow to get a double bass pedal to replace the extremely old one from the 30's that he is currently using. brian also just got new tuner knob thingys for his guitar and fine tuning gears for the violin. expect to see new pictures on here from the angels show. check back sometime next week to see those. see u at the show on saturday!
June 8, 2003
well to all who showed up at the show at Nigros thanks.
it wasnt the best show, but we had fun. it was kinda like the old days when we played the set then had fun after playing goofy stuff. although we try not to do that stuff anymore, today was an exception. we all had fun. we showed off a few new songs that need work badly lol, but we will pull through . we will hit the rehearsal hole 2 times this week before our big show on Saturday @ club angels in Trafford, where we open to Victory Records signed band, Spitalfield. it could be our best show to date if we work our asses off this week. we hope to see the fans at the show, and we are prepared to show off before a brand new crowd. look for the cd possibly by the end of the summer. studios are being looked into for future use. we WILL see u all out there ..
p.s. to all who got the new Metallica cd, and dont like it, let it grow on u and keep this in mind- it sounds like there a new band and St Anger is their demo that they recorded in their basement cause thats what it sounds like. it's all for the MUSIC and nothing else.
June 8 2003
its like 3 in the morning and i just came back from doing a sound check down at nigros
im beat, we start at like 130 and end by 2 everyone come out to see the show u just have to be out by 2 if u did not get the invite if u did get one u can stay after if not sorry. few new shits around the webpage, not too much except our first big show of the year next week on the 14 when we open the Spitalfield (victory records) show @ club angels, new venue new crowd, new fans, fan base has been elevated lately, a few of us have been reconized out and about in public, from "hey ur in the band with the violin attached to a guitar" , to "yea u have the Black singer from the other night" its kinda strange cause everone knows the name now and its starting to catch on. one more date announced , sometime at the end of july we are going all out and gigging a 2 and a half hour show at St. Pies in Mckeesport for an all night performance, more info to follow on that. as far as new stuff expect it to have a bit more of an kick u in the face sound as opposed to our usual downtempoed matereal. although we still have the slower ones such as running away and my pride and the brand new one just created last thursday they are all slow, but more energetic stuff will be in the mix soon and will be played at angels on the 14
see everyone who cares and isnt gay at the show tomorrow
June 3, 2003
Schools out forever! and since that time that we would normaly be in school is now empty expect alot more songs and show dates, check back with the webpage to see if there are any more show dates.
June 2, 2003
Hey its Doc... Sorry to everyone trying the comments section and didnt get a reply it was set wrong... Ive recently fixed it so if you would like to send us a comment it works now! thanks
June 1, 2003
hey all Brian and Bill here. We just got back from a road trip to Ohio, to check out the recording workshop and looking for some new places to play.we have some new show dates they are June 14 and July 25 both @ CLUB ANGLES as of now they could be subject to change. check back for info on that at a later date. we are possibly playing the summer jam as of right now that too could change but for now they are on. check performances page for more info. and thanks for all who came out to the EA talent show on Friday night, it was a huge success, better turnout than we expected. one of the better shows this year...better ones to come.
May 28, 2003 10:55am
well, we went down to WPTS this morning for the scheduled radio show featuring TFD but NO the loser who runs the thing decided to go to a concert last night get drunk and not feel good enough to come in to open the station... ASS POO!!!!
anyway, disgruntled we were we just hapened to have a second copy of the demo that we recorded last night and we decided to run it up to Green Tree and give it to 105.9 The X, to possibly get some airtime on edge of the x. we will have more information following soon. so as far as we know the radio brodcast this morning,  will probably be rescheduled at a later date. we also drove into the cathedral...yep we actually drove right into it...
May 28, 2003 1:30am
To everyone out there...
this morning of may 28 2003 TFD will be on the radio!!!!!
tune into 92.1 anywhere between 7-10am wich is Pitt Univ. radio to hear a few songs and a full blown interview. today tfd spent 10 hrs in brians bedroom recording a almost perfect 2 song demo which contains the new "running away" and the new song as for now titled "my pride". hear these 2 songs and more tomorrow morning on 92.1FM
May 22, 2003
Hello to all of the fans.
bill here..
some good news here, Brian has finally got his own AMP wich kicks ass.
you can see this new apparatis next friday the 30th @ EA or at AMC on june 20th. keep checking back to the website because next week there should be many more summer show dates. we are planning to hit all over Pittsburgh and in a few other locations in PA, and possibly play a show once every week trhoughout JUL and AUG. look for a few scattered shows throughout the month of june until we get these tour dates confirmed. kep checking back and stop out on the 30th for the EA talent show, tix are either 1 $ or 2 $ so its not much. we will be selling amc tickets as well at that time.
well i have got to go call about 100 venues to plan our summer rampage. see u all at the shows.
Big Bait Boat Ass
May 20, 2003
Check out Ten Foot Dinghy on Pittsburgh Rock.com
May 17 2003
last night TFD took home 2nd place in the norwin TWP battle of the bands (out of 10)which only says one thing, we have grown greatly as a band over the last year and come summer u might be hearing us on the radio. we came so close away from 1st. we were 1st place until another band came on with just a bit more expierence that us but no big deal u learn from ur mistakes.(congradulations to Dose For Monday) pittsburgh doesnt really have a good music scene but there are a few catagories that makes up the pitt music scene, there is the well known local bands, there is a well known garage bands, then theres the sludge that makes up half of amc, we just graduated from sludge scene to garage band scene. we are slowly climbing. lastnights show was definitly was the best we have ever had, absouutly no sound problems except brians amp got unpluged a few times by some idiot behind the curtain, but that was all over all the best show ever to date!!! we even had a little bit of help from our "mental friend" Matt Mochan, who acted mental lol. come on out to EA on the 30th or amc on june 20th we will have more shows in between comming possibly next week sometime. so look for those as well!. its great because our music is serious but our image is mental, and thats why people are afraid of us..people are always afraid of whats diferent...
May 16 2003
Whats up everyone??
finally after 7 months of getting ourselfs in order we finally have a show, the show starts tonight at 6:30 and we go on @ 7:00 And its at Norwin High School in their auditorium. for direction use mapquest.
this is gonna be a bit rusty tonight cause as far as we know, nothing is gonna get miced except the vocals so everything isnt gonna sound together, we even have to bring a 3 disc cd stereo system with us to use for the key boards, wow typical tfd show sound problems galore. well we will just have to see how it turns out, everyone is excited and ready to go , so as long as were having fun it doesnt matter, since we havent played in months. so come out and rock with us tonight. Run For India will also be there as well. see u at the show!
May 14 2003
TFD will be playing the battle of the bands for the Mckeesport soup kitchen on Friday May 16 starting at 6:30, not sure what time we will go on, but it will be at Norwin HIgh School , in the auditorium. tix may be avaliable at the door if not see bill tonight before 7 to purchace them, if not try the door the night of the show
May 13, 2003 12: 27 am
Whats up everyone?
some big news here, we are happy to tell u all that the norwin show that was up thn the air for quite some time has officially been cast in stone and we are playing, it hapens this Friday may 16th @ 6:30pm @ the norwin high school auditorium . Tickes will be sold through us the mambers of TFD for just $5, and theres like 11 bands. all money benifits the Mckeesport soup kitchen. tickets also avaliable at the door as far as we know, so support the music and rock out with us this Friday for our first show in 7 months! we only doing 2 songs cause it it a battle of the bands and we are pressed for time
see u all at the show!
April 29, 2003
some good news here, last saturday TFD hit the rehearsal hole to record 5 new songs that will be up here shortly, 4 new songs have emerged, the breaking benjamin cover and a brand new version of running away was created because its the strongest song we have and it needed some work. the version now extends to a whopping 9 minutes long, and has been droped down a few octives!!! it no longer ends whith the crappy punk beat at the end, come to the upcomming shows to hear the final results. and to let u all know we will be performing at amc on june 20th, the first major show in over half a year. that all for now
April 26, 2003
we now have a few shows check the new PERFORMANCES page for the dates
April 17, 2003
Battle Of The Bands...
Sub its Brian.... Just wanted to say that I just heard that Norwin is having a Battle of the bands. I would like to Participate in this event and I am talking to the rest of the band about it. I dont know when the date is, but when i do it will be posted on the page. Thanks to all.  Night
April 9, 2003
tomorrow TFD hits the stage for the first time on about 5 months, although thery are just auditioning for a show, they asure to kick the panel of judges in the ass. Bill had this to say today: "its gonna just be like old times, but only better. although we are performing a cover for the show and for tomorrow, we know where this song came from and doesnt blow chunks like in the past. although we are just trying out tomorrow its gonna feel good to be back on stage as a unit, only this time a hell of a lot stronger, and more serious." TFD will be covering "Polyamarous by Breaking Benjamin, more to follow
April 01, 2003
News Update from the world of dinghys
TFD have moved their practice location to a secluted location on the border of north versailles and mckeesport. we will be there for the remainder of the time from now until the day of our next show which will be on May 30 2003 at the East Allegneny High School auditorium the song that will be performed as of right now undecided apon either a cover or the new song that was written last weekend. who knows we might just not follow the time guidelines and do them both lol. as soon as spring hits look for a preview show at AMC before we hit the road this summer playing various locations throughout pittsburgh and other parts of PA. we all look foward to seeing u all out at the show on May 30th to support us. thanks for ur patience throughout this whole reformation of this band, many good things to come.
March 31 1:14 am
please note that there was a small typo in the last news flash, the talent show is on MAY 30th Not April 30th. over the weekend we moved our location yet again, this time to a new 2 car garage where we will be holding band practices evry week till the big show. the new location is nice, theres nobody around and peole leave us alone, hahaha what fun. this weekends band practice spawned the new song as of right now has no name, and for the love of gravy it's not called "untitled" lol but this new song will be performed at the talent show its like a better "i miss you" type of song, but  with some more energy, wich samples running away lol we also went to shop and save to chash a check, and adam took in his guitar and played selected Metallica songs in the produce section, pictures soon to follow from that lol. well im off to bed
March 26, 2003
A job well done on the musical, tony and adam kicked some ass every night, we'll have to start calling adam conrad hahaha. anyway TFD will return to the studio this week after a 3-4 week break during the musical production. now that that is over we have to crack down hard this week and figure what we are gonna do for the talent show, cause we have to audition on wed of next week. possibly a cover just to fill the void until the actual show and do a origional that night. well to everyone come out to the tenative show scheduled for MAY 30th. as of now its on, who knows something might change, this show will be a preview of what is to come this summer, and we will rehearse our ass off to get the summer show wraped up shortly after, but prob no shows till the 30th and none after for a little while while we perfect our act.. also a few odds and ends edited and such around the site.
March 21 2003
if u would like to see adam, tony and bill in action tonight saturday and sunday , come out to EAHS to see the production of "bye bye birdie" tony , and adam have leading roles and bill will be in the pit manipulating the auxillary shit. tfd rehearsals will comence once again starting next weekend. FUCK TERRORISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
March 14, 2003
Hey Bill here
just want to let u all know of a few upcomming apearences we have.
one will be at EAHS on May 30th and the other at nigros restraunt for bills grad. party thingy aparatis. we will have more info to follow. other than that Adam is working very well with the band the "new song" is almost completed and will probably be the performance piece for the talent show at EA. we just need ta more flexable pract schedule and we will be set. peace.!
March 07, 2003
Hey its Doc, I just wanted to address that "comments" section of the page... its not a page with a link on it... It has a built in E-mailer so you dont even have to exit the page... just thought I would inform everyone. "If you write an E-mail we WILL respond as soon as we check it".
Feb 27 2003
bill here
not too much going on here except writing new matereal and possibly a trip to Tennessee to record comming up in the near future other than that nothing much except extenssive practices on the weekends,
Feb 23, 2003
YO sup... its Doc here with Bill and were happy to announce the arrival of the new guy (Adam). Band Practice was unbalieveable today... This new song is Definately radio material. well time to update the page...
New pictures W00t!
Feb 19 2003.
over the last few days TFD has been trying to make sence of what hapend the day of metropol, and why the tension was between them and the band the spacepimps, and we have been trying to make peace. what caused the rif between the two bands was a handfull of miscomunications that hapened the day of the show and follow-up posts on our site the weeks following. the misunderstandings led to us becomming angered and there is a long story that can explain all the crap to you if u are up to reading it on there website in the message board section unter the title its an odd long story it can be found here http://www.thespacepimps.com. .so to all the people who have read the old posts and from last week just ignore them and get the facts straight .as for things said in the past and the people who know the big story of what caused all of this just forget about it, because it's over. time to start over
Feb 19 2003.
The blizzard of 2003 didnt do much for us this weekend, due to the large amount of snow that fell over the weekend, we were forced to cancel rehearsal yet again, keep in mind we havent played in over 6 weeks,so we are a bit rusty. too bad saturday was the first day in weeks all five of us could finally get togeather and work as a unit, tony's broken foot is also causing him major problems and he has been in and out of the hospital for the past few weeks as well. thats about it for this progress report well be back in a bit..
Feb 10 2003.
no we are not dead, we are just ill...
at the moment TFD members are all sick, or are recovering from an illness. as of now , the newbe is sick, tony has broke his leg, and bill just got over the flu, so cause of that, there hasn't been pract. for a few weeks, hopefully this week we will resume with the newbe. so as of now we are sick and will resume at a later date.
Jan 28, 2003
Its Brian again... Just doing some some cleaning around the page... had to get rid of all those pictures that took up alot of space...
Jan 27, 2003
Ok heres the scoop... Everybody in TFD is anticipating the arival of the "NEW" guitar player... We will release the name at a later date. Yesterday Ideas for new songs were unleashed and modifications were made to my guitar(Brian)!!!! your gunna love this!
Jan 22, 2003
Hey its Brian, after the short page disruption we are back due to the minor problems that pat and his little friend created. Just on a further note... from what i understand some authorities are getting involved... if they wonder what was on the site... I saved it AND it has a time stamp and a IP address to the last person and area they updated from...
From the "5" of us at TFD....  Thank you goodnight
Jan 17, 2003 11:14am
"Don't worry about people stealing an idea. If it's original, you will have to ram it down their throats."
-Howard Aiken
due to some recent events that were held yesterday things will now change. if ur serious u stay in the band, if ur not then u leave kristins house and dont come back. if ur not dedicated to tfd and dedicated strictly to the band and dont wasnt to participate making things hapen then u can leave. no more fucking around, whatever happend at pract in the past will change everybody will chime in in an effort to make a song come to life, and if u dont like what it sounds like and everyone else does tough fucking shit, deal with it. musicians arnt suposed to like everything they play, as long at it all forms to fit a song and it will gain the intrest of the fan. if u dont want to be in a abnd and act as a band and contribute to it, sell tickets write GOOD songs promote nd give a flying fuck then just leave...more to follow
Jan 13, 2003 9:09 am
lack of creativity, the retransformation or the end of a band?
what the hell is wrong with this band? two weeks past and if i hear i miss u one more time im gonna shoot my self. we weturned to pract at kristins again this week this time on a sunday and still nothing new and no ideas we ended up the same way as last week so read below post to get all the details on yesterday.
Jan 06, 2003 10:20 am
tfd returned to the studio on sat to find them selfs in a big hole.
for once there was no motivation and no creative feel. nothing new came to mind and the same 6 songs were played over and over again. pract was moved to kristins dining room because brians house is temp. being worked on.
the day concluded with pat leaving to go to RF pract, and us staying at kristins working on new stuff. adam miller and some dude kristin knows helped us work on some new matereal we took the advice and worked through the night we pract till about 10 that night and brian bill and tony had a sleepover where they studied music all night. with all the help and studing chords we still got nowhere brian is now studing chords and creative note progressions, bill is studying beats and tony is working on new lyrics. kristin is also working on new rifs for songs. we hope to get somewhere this week. as of right now u wont hear anything new at all for a while and the jan 25 show at amc is canceled. oh well. nobody outside of the band seems to care anyway. keep posted alot will change....
Dec 30, 2002 8:47:57
hey everyone whats up, its bill here just wanting u all to know that we took a little break after amc for xmas and what not currently i am up penn state visiting my dad until the 1st of JAN. returning sometime in the evening. i just got brand new jildlian ZXT Rock cymbals for my set a brnd new pair of high-hats , a new ride (looks like a UFO) and a new rock custum crash, (a bit too small only 16') but ill get used to it. there getting put on as the main cymbals i use and the ones i was using are gonna be there as well so i will have 2 rides, wich is kinda strange. i just dont know if i was to use the zxt's or my old new beat high-hats yet or both, well just have to see. (i wonder if i could stack them) well im out i have to do some stuff to day, after new years we will be back with new matereal, cause we have to we need a demo, no more goofing off lol cya
Dec 16, 2002 9:37am @ home recovering
Hey everybody it's the bass chick.....ok results for last night were not in our favor..we were 1 vote away from 3rd place 2 votes away from 2nd place and 17 votes away from 1st place....if your wondering why i'm not in school...haha...well i messed up my knee again last night doing all my jumping around last night...if you were there i hope you enoyed it..i sure as hell did.. :-D...oh yea the spacepimps were there last night which bill and i thought to be quite amusing...the only problem was every guy i was talking to was like good friends with them...so  boo hoo for me.. but ne way that's the lastest update for now ... so i'm gonna go get my ass hopping...l8er
Dec 11, 2002 12:24pm
@ American Music Cafe in murraysville
please come out to rock with us and to support local music
you will be able to vote for us also , since this is a battle of the bands, your support is greatly apriciated, your votes count! see you at the show tix now can be bought at the door.
Dec 08, 2002 12:52pm
yesterday tfd returned to the rehearsing area in wdoc studios for the first time in about a month, and for some odd reason had the most productive pract. ever to date. so much got done and we didnt screw around we went right to our work and stayed there. we reheared our 4 songs that well will unleash upon the amc stage 1 week prior from this date. set list includes- 1. "I FIGHT" 2. "I MISS YOU" 3. "RUNNING AWAY" 4. "JUMP" (away from the stage*** ) no sorry people "spoon spa-toon" will not be played neither will the intro "heavy fire in ur eyes," we have cut them for our shorter more important shows and saving them for when we have longer ones. the ones we are playing are our newest ones or our most strong, they are also our best & most difficult to play, therefore we are being judged so it all makes sence. so much was cleaned up and added to the show it should be one of our best, that is if we have monotors that work, because last amc show they didnt metropol they didnt and bills party definitly didnt work the kimlyn block party was the only one that monotors somewhat worked so judging this show they work everyone should have a pretty good time. we rehearsed like we were playing live also by facing our amps and suck away from us and letting the sound bounce everywhere. so it was a very productive pract, hope to see u all there at the show , i now think u can get the tix at the door, or kristin might have a few left. dec 15 NOT TONIGHT for the love of GOD  --bill
*** yea the drummer is pissed.......
Dec 07, 2002 6:23pm
Dec , 2002 1:50 AM
some rescent acts by mother nature have disabled the band from pract last tues. this is bill reporting live from penn state university 3 hrs from the wdoc studios in norwin pa where all the shit goes down. i am on thanksgiving vacation with my dad, there was no pract on sat either, progress in the band as of now is ok, could be a lot better, we are currently pract on sats as usual just last week to make up for the sat i wouldnt be home, we decided to pract on a tues when we were all free, then the snow and ice came, and a big misunderstanding/arguement/mess of crap disabled me to get to brians. so there hasnt been rehearsal since a week before bills party 3 weeks ago. we will return (hopefully) this upcomming sat to get ready for the graffiti rock chalange demo recording process as well as new shit, as usual we will return , also buy amc tix dec 15 7$ hopefully please buy...bill
Nov 09, 2002 11:39pm
Hey guys it's your favorite bass chick here...i just wanted to tell you wait i must do the    t(f)d thing NEWS FLASH!!!!   WE NOW HAVE TICKETS FOR THE DEC 15TH SHOW AT AMC!!!! TICKETS ARE $7!!! WE ONLY HAVE 30 TICKETS YOU CAN GET THEM OFF ANYONE IN THE BAND!!! SO HURRY UP AND GET YOUR TICKETS
Nov 8th 2002 5:53pm
hey it's your favorite bass player....well i let you all know to check out the Shows section of the site...this will tell you where, when, how much, other bands, pretty much most of the info you need to know about where we are playing next....if you need to know how to get sumwhere email us... well that's it...l8er... kristin
Nov 6 2002 9:27 am (graphics class)
hey its bill just wanted to let u all know to check out the show reviews section now under construction. it will be done soon.
Nov 5 2002 9:23 am (graphics class)
NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!
Nov 4 2002 8:52 am (graphics class)
we will NOT i repeat NOT in any way shape or form gonna be playing at AMC on dec 27!!  it is still posed on the amc website. please disregard that post. we have mentioned this before but felt the need to reinforce this again because it is still posted. more info to follow about shows in the near future.there have been no replys back from HRC or STARBUCKS. so no shows there in the imediate future. although a battle of the bands have been brought to my attention at AMC on SUN DEC 8. i am calling amc today and entering us in it if all possible and telling them to scratch the dec 27 show. we will not be playing for various reasons. one this date was not decided among the whole band for possible problems. two bill will be out of town for christmas and new years. and three its too close to the xmas and new years, alot of people will be out of town, plus snow and ice.so dec 8 is what we are shooting for for our next public show. for now we are in the studio rehearsing for a upcomming birthday party for one of our sound guys,as well as recording a new demo and slowly shooting the video for fire in your eyes. but next show to the public will hopefully be dec 8th. for now thats all.
oct 29 2002 8:59 am (graphics class)
hey its bill just finished the new bio alot has changed so be sure to check it out. other than that we are just in the studio working on a brand new demo that sounds way better we have re-wired an old 2 chanel mixer to like a 7 ch lol. well keep u posted
Oct 27, 2002 10:34AM
HEY EVERYBODY...it's kristin...hehehe...well i jsut wanted to let you know that....we have recorded the guitar, drums, bass, and whatever else we have in the band..lol...well we recorded those..so we just need to get tony into the studio to lay some voice tracks.....soo we will have new demos, newer better demos on here soon....AND we will probably have the two new songs on here too...so keep checking back for updates and SIGN THE Guestbook or Message Board...lol...we liek hearing from ppl....good or bad...
Oct 25 2002 1:25 Pm
hey its bill here just sitting in english class, just wanted to let u all know 2 new songs are in the working process, and soon to be completed. we took a little break after metropol to write and get ourselfs in somewhat of an order, so now two new songs soon to be three songs are in the final stages of being written. although we keep saying we are scheduling shows and whatnot we have not had any chance to do so . we also goave our demo to the hard rock cafe downtown. we are still in the studio writing and stuff as well as shooting the video for fire in ur eyes. stay tuned....
Oct 15, 2002 12:57AM
stay posted
Oct 13, 2002 11:28PM
to all who saw the thing up before about us playing at amc in dec, scratch that cause we are not playing. and if we are there will be no drummer because i will be away for christmas, plus common sence its a few days after xmas people are not going to want to go to a rock consert and plus the snow and ice. if there is a future amc show soon its gonna be sooner than dec and if they are all filled up then the people are full of shit telling me there are spots open in oct and nov. next show more than likely at the cd watrehouse in greensburgh PA. once again there is no dec 27 show at amc..ho ho ho.. merry xmas
Oct 13, 2002 12:19AM
HEY it's kristin again....i figured out how to put tony on the site....soo he is on it now but the info isn't on..lol...that's he's job not mine..lol....but i'll see you all l8er i'm tired as hell...
Amor, Kristin
oh yea....just one more..ppplease sign the guestbook and for message board cause we like to hear from ppl...good or bad..ight hannibal is on so i'm going to go..lol...l8er night kiddies
Oct 13, 2002 12:04AM
hey it's kristin..i'm just sittin here...watching Nightmare Before Christmas....got  home from the mustard plug show at amc....it was great...but ne way... thought i would tell you...that Tony's profile will be up as soon as my sped ea ass...figures out how to make a new page..lol...but that's it for now....Mustard Plug you guys are a kick ass ska band
Oct 10, 2002 11:28 P.M.
Hey its Brian... I just wanted to let you all know that WE HAVE NEW PICTURES!!!! on the pictures part of the page....  hope you enjoy... later!
Oct 6th, 2002 1:09 pm
hey it's kristin, i just wanted to let you guys know....t(f)d is starting to book shows now....we will update you on the next show we play......it's either going to be at CD warehouse in greensburg or amc....i'm not sure which one will be first or if we are even going to play at  cd warehouse....BUT we will update you when we are going to play next...
Oct 1st, 2002 8:57am
hey its bill, just sitting here in graphics class with not much to do so i will make a few updates, first off congratz to the blink 182 rip off band, "the spacepimps" for taking 1st place in the batttle of the bands on sun and leaving us in the dark, "chad fell down" definitly deserved 1st place more then them, CFD took 2nd place over all. my whole rantings for all who know me, i hate blink 182 its the most uncreative form of music out there and there just spawning millions of sound alike bands. we were told that creativity and originality would get us the cookies, well to all of the brain dead judges, good job u picked the most un origianal band that was there, for crying out loud "tragety of the commons" (the girl band) did a better job. over all it dopesnt reall matter in a long run because we got as far as metropol, (M) being a venue u dont play unless u are famous, was just a honor to play at, i ran around all day acting like i was famous, with my pressure 4-5 tour jacket and my fake NIN backstage pass. but the downfall other than the spacepimps winning was our set, THE SOUND BLEW!!!!! learn how to mix!!!!, between the feedback the humming,. my keyboard being to loud and my monator blowing up right before our most important song, it was just a mess, but the crowd seemed to enjoy the hell out of it, and we all had fun and thats what its about fun. we will have vids prob posted soon as well as sound from there and pics. im out --bill
Sept 30, 2002
Its Brian... like I promissed the RUNNING AWAY song is now in the demos section... once again these are ruff demos that we got from a video cam.. professinal ones are coming soon!
Sept 30th 4:08pm
Hey it's kristin...OMG my first update...be proud people be proud..lol..but yea....umm i just wanted to let you guys know that T(F)D is going to have merchandise.  we will soon have CD's live from metropol....pins, patches, and t-shirts....soo get your money ready....
SEPT 29 1:54am       twas the night before Metropol and all through the house bill was stiring and killing the mouse...METROPOL TODAY  ,  WOO HOOOO  tfd plays today at M at 3:00 pm be there or miss out big time, we would like to introduce to u our singer Tony Dorsey, our not so well kept secret lol, we added him lat week and he kicks ass. M IS FINALLY HERE I MUST GO TO BED NOW CAUSE SOUND CHECK IS IN LIKE 4 HRS , check back for pics vids and much more, plus mp3's. the documentary "the road to metropol" will be under way soon, come with us today and ROCK!!!!! peace--- tfd                                                                             
sept 22 2:22 am
hey its bill here just sitting her on my ass doing nothing, well today at 2 pm the members of tfd will return to the american legeon hall in pittsburgh for the second meeting for the battle of the bands happening at (M)etropol on sun sept 29 we will defintily be playing because we have sold over 30 tix and we definitly have a spot to lay we will get that squared away tomorrow as well, we will also have a pract afterwards. well thats it for now but intil then,.......sevendust had a baby......
Sept 15-2002
TFD would like to appologize to anyone that took the last statement about rap the wrong way. Everyone has there own style of music and you listen to that music to entertain yourself. So everyone be happy listen to all music and unite as one at Metropol sept 29.
Sept 15-2002
hey everyone just wanted to remind u all that this is uour last week to buy metropol tix contact us @ tenfootdinghy@aol.com 
if u want tix if u buy them from us u will get a special low price so buy ur tix today
Hey its Brian... We are playing at Metropol on September 29 2002...  its a Sunday.... so if you want tickets we got em.... its 12.00$ but there are 50 bands playing so its really a good deal. If you think about it a show at AMC is 7 bucks for 4 to 5 bands to play about 4 hours at the most..... for 8 more bucks you can see 50 bands from 11:00AM to 10:00PM!!!! thats 11 hours of GREAT music :-) Well hope to see you at the show..!
Hey the Kimlyn block party was yesterday. Everything went great... As of yesterday TFD has its own sound Engineer, Aaron Teoli. We would also like to thank Bill Yadesky and YADCO music for supplying us with some equipment for the show... Practices are still every Saturday, we are still looking for a singer so if anyone would like to try out... call Brian Bill or Pat, Email us, or contact us somehow to set up a "tryout".
july 20th 5:43 am
wow finally a freeking update, ok first things first. uhh yea lack of pract, the last time the abdn got togeather as a whole was the night of our first show, the band has had very few sporadic practs @ brians house since the show and new matereal is underway, but lack of pract as a whole, is not helping the band, pat is currently too busy to get to the pract cause of working 24/7 to get a car so we try on sats with pat, bill and brian play almost everyday, and adam works on the days we have off and the days we work adam has off, its a horrid cycle that sint helping them, becides the lack of pract the band will play the kimlyn block party on aug the 10th directions will be posted shortly. it will be a good show, bill has currently purchaced a new drumset which he is slowly starting to realize it was a big waste of money cause he has only played it like 5 times and when does the band rehearse? we were all excited for the summer to do shows and play like crazy make lots of new matereal and show it off, but then pat decided he wants to work to get a car so lack of shows and new music, adam works the off days and bill and brian are stuck in the middle someplace, in there sparetime they are writing music (sorta) and make music videos to demented songs, there also might be a suprize comming from these guys soon as well, well keep u posted. keep in mind aug 10th well give u directions if u need them, other than that not much going on, we discovered a spaceship in the woods and thats about it. well drunk down and out i bounce.....peace XhX
June 27, 2002
Well the show was good....   we had people up and running clapping and what not it was great! You should have been there!
June 14, 2002
June 04, 2002
YES YES!!! School is almost out and you know what that means. MORE TFD. Its a proven fact that school takes up valuble time that could be used for playing. Now that school is ending there will be more time to practice, more ideas, more shows, and basically more of everything. How Sweet It Is!
May 32, 2002
Well Practice went pretty well... that is until the power went out. After the power went out we packed up and went to Brians to finish practice. By the time we got there and set everything up we were more or less "beat" and didnt feel like playing.
May 31, 2002
Sup Ridahs! TFD is back.... and were better than ever with a new line up... Pat and "ED" guitar...Bill Drums...Adam Bass and... "Bill, drum roll please..." Brian on Lead vocals...We are having practice this Saturday... Ill let everyone know how it goes!
May 10, 2002
Riding the success of your friends band gets you nowhere.
if ur in a a band and want to succeed, dwelling on the the success of what ur friends have accomplished, and kissing there ass doesnt get u anywhere. make sure your product kicks ass, its that simple. TFD is gonna blow all of u MOTHER FUCKERS out of the water......nothing more said
May 4, 2002
April 26, 2002
April 23, 2002
Pat, yesterday decided to do a complete over-haul on all of his equipment. He is selling all his pedals and going to purchas some new ones. He cam to this decision when he took a trip to Guitar Center(heaven) yesterday. He was playing with some Ibanez effects pedals. A sick ass distiorion pedal, a digital delay/ecko pedal, and a chours/flanger pedal. this is all he is going to need to make his guitar sing. Thats all for now, later
April 22, 2002
Page layout has changed to this checkerbored thing... I like it do you?  tell us what you think.... Go to the "contact us" section or... THE ALMIGHTY MESSAGE BOARD !!! lol talk to everyone later... o by the way... dont forget "The DEMOS ARE COMING!!"
April 21, 2002
DEMO SONGS are coming out and a page is up... but no songs are on it yet.... they will be in a day or two though...!
April 19, 2002
NEW PAGE SECTION BUILDING IN PROCESS... the new (Outside Of The Band pages are being created within the profiles pages... It will show what we do outside of the band in our free time... "The little that we have" also the "Ten Foot Arsenal" page has been updated.
Bwahaha! This Sunday we are recording our first demo tape... isnt that Nifty, well we are playing a birthday party and we have all the recording equipment all ready to go. So that means that you (our fans) will be able to hear our songs... because I... Brian will be putting them on the page. Well I have to go edit some.. its been a while.. see a later
April 11, 2002
As of now we have a singer in mind. He will be practicing with us on Saturday, to see if he makes the cut. This "Chubby Little Bastard" would deffinately bring some new style to the band. We are really hoping that it will work out cause we are sick of looking for a singer, and now Pat can really let loose on the guitar, cause he don't have to worry about singing as much. Pat is still back-up singer though, so you'll all be hearing his sick little voice. Thats all for now, later all.
April 8, 2002
The Band is now getting their shit together. Every saturday practices will be held at a discolsed location. TFD now has 7 origional songs. Lyrics need to be put to them but thats the easy part.
SHIRTS ARE IN PRODUCTION!!! So if you would like one they are $6.00 a piece and are avalive in -White or Black shirts -SM, M, LG, X-Large -And your choice of to Colors that look sweet together... If you would like one please contact Pat (The Guitar Player) at TestDummy700@aol.com Thank You For All Your Support
       Ten Foot Dinghy
March 29, 2002
the two able members of tfd bill and pat, hit the studio for a writing session today, and worked on three new songs, one of which carries a heavy sample from from the film, halloween. the songs dont have names yet, but are in the process. they also are working on a cover of the apex theory's "apossibly". for all who have never heard of them before, we suggest u do soon. tfd is back in action as of today, so we will keep u posted.
March 25, 2002
When Patty Boy woke up out of bed this morning, he had a crazy idea. He figured that if he could go out to everywhere under the sun, and have prople over his house all the time, then why should the band be put on hold? Very good question... We'll it's NOT, Practice will be held at one point or another during this week... TFD is hitting the infamous WFOBstudios, to work on ORIGIONAL music... Wood will fly, and strings will break... We'll keep you posted... Later Everyone... 
Page has been fully re-done, by Pat. Check Out his profile, some additions have beed made to the Bio. Section too..
This Just In: Due to Mother Fucking wildlife wondering around on back roads, Pat has recently destroyed his automobile. So it looks like Patty Boy won't be driving anytime soon. So to anyone hwo Pat was supposed to give a ride to, well you need to find your own ride now..
Pictures added... We have NEW profile pictures now, and more pictures under "pictures" sorry but the demo we recorded didnt come out to good so, its not up here yet. O-my TFD is intence, We have our new line up all ready to play, working on some songs and shiznit... The gig is still on for the 20th at 8 oclock AMC... American Music Cafe is right next to Bentlys Yamaha shop. So come support us !!! Wahoo!
Biography fully completed. POs page being worked on, News and Gossip is probably going to be taken off... beings that our news is on the main page. PO storys will be on this page instead... and Show reviews will be results from shows that we play... phew! thats alot of changes... Hope this update is not an inconvenience.
Biography page added, Bills profile updated. Show reviews have been updated and Pat is now starting to update the page!
Mental note: Band Practice today at Bills and Practice/recording demo songs for the webpage Saturday at Brians. Kick ass logo being created!
Weapons For Peace link added to Links page. Old News page created... More people are using the Message board check it out its pretty cool!
6:33 AM News heard that TFD is Playing at American Music Cafe. More info in Upcoming Events! Also the TFD webpage is doing great.. we averaged 1079 total page hits in the last 3 weeks... Thank you "loyal fans"
AMNESTY added to links page... not much going on right now.... very busy week... we are trying to get together this Saturday for a practice though... More info is being written for the Bio page. If you would like your bands page posted in our links contact us at tenfootdinghy@aol.com and we will post you if you post us!
Pats (Guitar player) Profile has bene updated... Adams (Bass Player) Profile has been created... Ten Foot Arsenal has been updated with adams equipment. 
Profiles updated with new info! OK OK OK,  I see that every one likes to spam the Guest Book.... Really Its ok if you wanna sign it, I encourage it, but only sign it once... I just created a Message Board so every one can keep in touch!  Try leaving a message there! News Letter sent to all in the mailing list.... You should feel proud if you are in it because you will get the news update on 3-09-02 ;-) Please Sign up if you have not already!
A special note from Bill (Drummer)
"sorry if anyone got offended with the last note of mine, dont take anything that i say unless i directly address someone, what i said was what i was feeling the otherday and it was ment to be a big joke "kmfdm style" "whatever we tell u is ment to be crap"
Hit counter added, Started at 50 (even though more people than just 50 visited since the addition of the counter.)
"Ten Foot Arsenal" created check it out...its pretty phatzored!
Moved the guest book under the mailing list "Looks better there" and added number of people currently subscribed for mailing list... hurry only 50 slots available :-) I dont know when are next meet will be. If anyone would like us to play in a "cafe" or a "battle of the bands" I'd like some information send us an E-mail at tenfootdinghy@aol.com .
Well we have some Shiznit on the D-low discussion and theres going to be a biography page or history page or something, It looks promissing. Ill keep everyone updated. Check back soon l8r!
Profiles are up, If anyone can get in touch with Adam please ask him to get me his profile or tell him how to do it. Hes the only one left. We also need some feedback on Sound clips... whether to have the whole song or a clip?  that is the question! Just added a picture of a Dinghy so everyone knows what they are because alot of "sicko's" think a Dinghy is a penis..... its not. That would be a Dingy or a Dinky or a Wang or sometihng of that sort... any way a teacher is comming so i g2g bye all.
Adding profiles page... and some more pictures...um its gunna take awhile to complete the profiles page so ill keep you updated.
Added Pictures and finished some show reviews.... Bah, Im bored as funk... welp  i guess i g2g bye all.
Sitting in school editing the page.... bla bla bla some minor details added... working on getting pictures.. ZzZzZz.. . . .  ops im back... damn info processing class :-) Text cursor added but its black so you cant see it ;-) working on that i guess...
Web page created. w00t! w00t!