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The Story Of TFD... Enjoy


Once upon a time in a far away land, through the sherwood forset,  here was a castle and at the top of the castle locked away was a beautiful girl named snow white, who lived with two spoon men from marze...oh wait wrong story
                                         IN THE BEGINING
ok..once upon a time in a far away land called North Versailles PA, there lived two kids,Pat Romanelli, and Bill Harbadin. one day durring lunch pat came up to bill and asked him if he would like to start a band, Bill being in many bands in the past who sucked beyond belief, greatly said yes, hoping this one would be different. The origional line up consisted of somewhat of the following, because there was never any set line up until now. Bill drums, Pat-guitar, Evan Mitchell-vocals, Dan puz-bass, and john gorring as the second guitarest. eventually puz, evan and john would either come and go, or be kicked out of the band for many reasons. the first pract ,or is it safe to say "party @  pattys", wich as both bill and pat look back on that night, they both go "what the hell were we thinking,becides a night of stupidity, bill and pat started a good partnership(UNTIL NOW!{see new entry below}) that would lead them to ten foot dinghy. After 6 or so bass players and a bunch of issues,TFD landed themselves with the lineup they have today. All 5 members of TFD either are students of EAHS or are former students. Brian would find himself moving to Irwin PA, The origional name for this band was called (F) , bill and pat two kids who work or have worked at the dumbest place on earth..kings family restraunts, were washing dishes one day and DONNY COSTA brough back a bus pan on top of the crap we had to wash and pat got mad and scremed fuck so the manager told him nicely to use another word so pat muttered the letter "F" and i came around the corner and said "thats it, thats the name of our band" ok that sounds stupid, but at the time we thaught it was pretty cool,so F was born, the letter F looked pretty dum so bill went to the drawingboard and made it look like this (F), thus (F) was born it wansnt till john gorring made f stand for something...(F)uhtwack! was born, fuhtwack is a word that was created by Bill Yadesky,and Brian Tancrator dont ask me, ask them what i means.
After too many bass players and fight among the band, the band broke up for a total three days. on day sitting in english class, doing the dreaded Daily Language Practice, bill noticed a funny phrase in one of the sentances, it read---something like two guys escaping off a pirate ship and getting away on a ten foot dinghy. Bill thaught that the band should reform with new members, under the name ten foot dinghy. Bill brought it to pats attention and the infamous TFD was born. so we owe credit to the name to ,bill and pats 11 grade english teacher MR BERGER.
the new lineup consisted of--bill harbadin--pat romanelli--Adam Miller and Brian Dougherty , TFD have had a hard time pract in the past because, cops show up at all the practs and try to crash the party. eventually a year later the practs would be moved to brians basement.
              our first show
there first show (if thats what u want to call it) was at the American Music Cafe in murrysville. some what of an expierence to remember. the horrible bands we played with the really bad sound and the little gilrs, humm leave it as that. all togeather it was a good learning expierence for all of us. there was like 20 people there really small but really cool cause it was the first time on a stage as a band. the show consisted of fire in ur eyes-spoon spatoon-i missu- and a cover of some gay ass NFG song wich got thrown togeather like 5 mins before hand. looking back to the show we have grown so much and our aproach on music has gotten much more serious. the show ended with like 10000 covers. it was a horrible show. the bands we played with were , evelyn from TX innocence broken from Iowa and nutron bomb from murrysville.
  the story of the missing bass player
One of the girls in the audience was Kristin Wagner, who would go on to be TFD's new bassest. the story behind the new bassest was this, we wanted adam to play with us, but the prob was he was never around. adam going to a private school which held him longer on weekends and not allowing him to leave didnt help us much, so something had to done. we went without a bassest at every pract for months then adam shoing up here and there, we never knew when he was gonna come around. so one night bill was helping the infmaous DJ SKYES at the st.coleman fair, one night he ran into a girl who he really didnt know but knew who she was.her name was kristin. afer talking about the band and how thay had no bass player she said "hey i play bass" bill automatically said "please come to one of our band practs". tfd were desprate and so they need some one so we took our chance and went for her. she is refered to as "the chick bassest" among other things....lol....
                                  the new singer
after numerous new practs with kristin pat decided that he didnt want to sing anymore. so after that it was like grr we keep changing the new lineup. fiding a new singer wouldnt be easy, we went on for a good while looking for someone new, and were gonna hold auditions. bill always had a singer in mind. the singher would be tony dorsey. but dorsey moving away a few years back left bill with no one in mind. until the first day of school this year bill was in home room when he hapend to look out the door and saw big tony walking down the hall. bill jumping up and down screaming "hes back to save the band" bill had always wanted to be in a band with tony, so here was a good chance. so one day pat went up to tony asking him to be the new singer tony gladly said yes. tfd added him only 5 days before the almighty (M)etropol show...
                                            club (M)
one day before work bill had gotten a phone call, the phone call was a guy from conserts first asking tfd to play at metropol, we gladly excepted. weeks later got another phone call saying to be at a meeting with all the bands competeting in the exposure battle of the bands at the american legeon hall on the southside. at the meeting we recieved flyers and tickets to sell. the tix being at 12$ a piece was not gonna be an easy task. we sold for weeks with alot of trouble cause we had to sell at least 30 tix to play the show. at the end we sold like 50 some tix and landing on the main stage. the show consisted of the following fire in ur eyes spoon spatoon i miss u and the new masterpiece running away. the show was extremely copol cause we were playing on the same stage as many great bands today. but sucked because the sound guy was an ass and didnt know what he was doing it also took us 15 mins to set up and we were only suposed to get 20 mins and 5 mins to set up, oh well we still played on. we lost to a blink 182 rip off band called the spacepimps, woo hoo what fun. it was all a pretty big scam in the end anyway.
                  The loss of Pat
well as most of you all know, pat left the band, were not gonna get into detail here, but if u would like to know the whole story look in the old news section or the mesage board if its still there. weeks before pat leaving the band we had started to have tryouts cause we had a gut feeling he wasnt into it, we tryed a few people out and then it wasnt till one night at pep band that bill thaught of seeing if adam would like to join the band. tony asked him and within a few mins we had him. so here is the new line-up again, hopefully we wont have any more absences from the band the line up is strong now and highly MUSICAL. be prepared for a interesting summer......
 as of 4-26-03 set list  consists of the following.1.chase and let go 2.running away (9min version) 3.cover of polyamarous by breaking benjamin 4.-6. all new and nameless songs plus a few old favorites being reworked into new shit. By the end of July if the money is there, we will head to soundscape studios to press and record our first actual full lengh 10-11 song cd to sell at our shows.
tfd is up for playing anytime and anyplace please contact us at either our message board, or tenfootdinghy@aol.com

Bio Contributed By Bill (The Drummer), Very Nice...